Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pentaho BI Server language files (1/2)

It was a long time of hard work the last month and a half but now I'm able to see a little light at the end of the tunnel and I had the time to be back. This time I have an interesting thing for all the italian friends. I completed:

  1. the italian language files for Mantle GWT Client. The files were already submitted to Pentaho JIRA hoping they will be incorporated in the next release of the product.
  2. the italian language file for JPivot toolbar. This was a minor effort because it is a very little file so it takes really a few minutes to be completed. This language file has been already committed by myself on JPivot's cvs trunk.

I detailed  below the steps to be followed to install the new language on existing BI Server installations. The files are compatible with Pentaho 3.x. A special thanks to my colleague and dear friend Andrea Pasotti who helped (and is helping) me in this work.

How to activate italian language support for Mantle GWT client
  • Download the files messages_it.properties and  MantleLoginMessages_it.properties from the following link to JIRA
  • Stop BI Server
  • Copy the file messages_it.properties to <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/mantle/messages
  • Open the file <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/mantle/messages/supported_languages.properties
  • Add the following line
  • it=Italiano
  • Save and close the file
  • Copy the file MantleLoginMessages_it.properties to <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/mantleLogin/messages
  • Open the file <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/mantleLogin/messages/supported_languages.properties
  • Add the following line
  • it=Italiano
  • Save and close the file 
  • Start BI Server
How to activate Italian language support for JPivot toolbar
  • Dowload the resources_it.properties language file from the following link
  • Go to <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/classes and create the following directory path com/tonbeller/jpivot/toolbar
  • Copy resources_it.properties to <biserver_home>/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/classes/com/tonbeller/jpivot/toolbar
  • Start BI Server
I'm going to finalize to complete translation of the GUI so in the next few weeks will follow the italian language files PAC (Pentaho Administration Console) and Ad-Hoc Query Reporting. So what else.... stay tuned!

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